Follow my path down this blog for information about Pear Blossom Designs and its activities. I hope you will find the journey insightful and interesting and what I make beautiful and well crafted.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Quick Update 10-28-17
So Halloween is almost here! Love this holiday! I love seeing all the children out in their costumes, having fun, getting candy. I also love that this holiday is relatively unchanged since I was a kid, that this is still a chance for the little ones to use their imagination and dress up as someone else for a single evening. They also get to stretch their legs, along with their parents, going house to house and block to block. I'd say that was healthy to boot!
This week I did get my new DMC colors and they certainly didn't disappointment. Just lovely. I also got the Marabu liners in and played with them a bit too. I got my latest magazine issues of Where Women Create Business and Professional Artist and have been busy devouring those and not getting much work done on Ladybug Lake. However, I fully intend to get back to business on it next week as well as more info on the blog and have started plans for the next video.
Have a great weekend all and be sure to check back soon for more good stuff!
Friday, October 20, 2017
My Favorite Art Things
I think it is absolutely WONDERFUL that we artists now have such an abundance of materials available to us to use, and they just keep coming! Yeah! I love looking at what's new out there to play with, and while I can't use or buy them all (that must be what heaven is, an endless supply of new and free art supplies), I can still look, and dream, and yes, sometimes purchase and play with them. Over the years I have come to rely on sources for great supplies and don't know how I would get along without them, or even gotten as far along with my art if it hadn't been for them. So what I am going to do is list some of my favorite sources from time to time, and am doing this because I love 'em and have no other affiliation with them.
The first one I want to mention is an online shop called Joggles. This is my textile mixed media heaven on earth! The owner, Barb, has put together a shop that is a joy to visit and is always trying new great stuff for us to own and use. And there is so much stuff! What a great inventory! And she is always adding new things so her shop never gets old or boring. She regularly restocks items and has some of the best sales out there to stretch those hard earned dollars. And yes, we get to see her get her hands artistically dirty because she puts together great instructional videos on these products so you get to see how they are used, and she usually has an innovative way that she would use them as well. The instructions are clear and easy to follow so you know how to use it in the real world right away, instead of looking at a description and trying to figure out what they are trying to get across. Shipping is fast and merchandise always arrives well packed. If you are interested in taking a look here is the shop link:
Also be sure to sign up for her weekly blog here:
Have a peek and enjoy!
This Past Week
Wow! The weekend is here already! How time flies. It's been a busy week here in the PBD Studio. First of all I want to tell you about some neat things going on. I got some of the new Miyuki colors of Delica beads. They are categorized as Picasso colored which gives them an aged or rustic kind of appearance. There are 6 new colors, very cool and can't wait to use them.
Next up are something new for me because I have never used them before, Marabu Fashion Liners. What is so cool about this is that you can actually use them to outline or draw using a fine tip of fabric paint. I specifically got these for a future project that I think they will work very well in. Have not received them yet but they should be here soon.
Of course I had to get the new colors of DMC embroidery floss too. I got them in the tin and they are also on their way. They look so pretty and I'm so excited about getting them. Of course because they are fibers! Thanks to DMC for giving us more beautiful colors to work with!
I got the Marabu Fashion Liners from one of my favorite online mixed media shops, Joggles. I love this store! Barb always has videos to go with the products she carries and they are always fun to watch as well as instructional. The amazing thing is she is always adding new, neat stuff to the mix and I love seeing these new products and how to use them. It's such a treat! She also has fabulous sales too so be sure to check it out.
I purchased the DMC tin of new cotton embroidery floss colors straight from the DMC site which for me, had a good price, around $25.00.
I will be showcasing a couple of these in my next video, so be sure to stay tuned. Work is going tremendously well on Ladybug Lake. Looking Good! Should be done by next month sometime.
So much fun to come, and since the weather is turning a bit cooler here in Oklahoma, it won't be long when staying indoors will be the order of the day, which means more studio time and who doesn't love that!
Thought Nugget:
An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision.
~James Whistler
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Just Do It!
There are some car designer shows that I love to watch. One of several reasons I love to watch them is because they are self-taught, and that fascinates me because I think it is FABULOUS! While some artists are drawn to the academics of art, design, theory, and all the rest that goes with it, there are some that would absolutely suffocate under those learning parameters and therefore it would do more harm than good to them. These are the artists that just need to "Do It". They feel the art, the pull of the materials, the lure of the colors, and can't help but get busy with their vision. They can't explain why this thing went with that piece, but they can tell you how exciting it was to put them together, because they felt in their soul that it was supposed to go that way. They don't mind the immense amount of exploration with certain materials in order to get a good feel for what they do and how they do it, they revel in the just doing of it.
Now please don't get me wrong, I believe that an academic component is critical for the survival of art, and those artists that pursue the education before the doing are certainly on their preferred path. I applaud them and their efforts every bit as the untrained artist. However, I also believe that there are those of us that know with the first touch of a needle or thread, or a blow torch and hammer, or colors of encaustic wax, that this is ours and we have to own it. The skill comes to us from the doing, the hours and days and months and years of doing it and experimenting and learning what works and what doesn't. We use books to reference techniques and YouTube to see examples of them, we visit places that carry supplies we love in search of tried and true and the next great thing, we are always moving forward to understand, to try, to succeed and sometimes to fail too. The important thing is that we recognize that inner fire to do it and give it license to burn.
So while I believe that academically trained art is wonderful, I want to give a special shout out and show of appreciation for those that cannot wait to get their hands dirty, their workspace a blast of chaos, and that piece of fabric or canvas a going over of fiber color, because these are the pioneers of today and the masters of tomorrow, every bit as those that learn in the classroom.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
New Video 10-08-17
Here is the latest YouTube video from Pear Blossom Designs! Learn more about fabric paint sprays and more!
Friday, October 6, 2017
Flower Thread News!
This is just a short and sweet message to let everyone know that is interested, that Ginnie Thompson Flower Thread has a great deal going until October 20, 2017. You get all the colors of flower thread, 40 yards on each notched card, the storage box and Color Reference Card with real thread samples on it. All for $165.00!!! Wow! There is more to read about it here:
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Artistic Style - Beauty or the Beast
History has shown us that we as a society and individuals are always pushing the envelope of known boundaries in all aspects of life, whether it be science, technology, medicine, or art. The evolution of art since the time early man made cave drawings to the present time when art can be fashioned from anything from recycled trash to intricate mosaic tiles and from oils and brushes to graffiti drawn with cans of spray paint, has been to push what we are comfortable with viewing and asking ourselves, "What made the artist do that?". On the flip side of this coin are those artists, and I count myself in this category, of which much of the world has been seen through the years, measured not so much in time, but in events, both tragic and wonderful. At this point, the knowledge of what we are capable of in terms of horror and destruction has turned our inner vision into a place of peace and renewal. Where the baton for social commentary has been turned over to those ready to take it and move forward with it, while introspection and the need to see the beauty of what lies inside us are needed by other artists. I choose to make art that doesn't descry social injustice, I have been lamenting that all my life, but instead, I want to give the weary souls who do it now a respite from it by allowing them to see something valuable in beautiful color or a pleasant scene. Because while we need to always be aware that change to make things better always needs to be looked at under a magnifying glass, we all also need to know that we need an oasis away from the turmoil, and nature and art gives us that calm to weather the storms. Now, in this stage of my life, my soul yearns for the beauty in a world that can be dark with despair, and my art gives me the ability to convey that message. A message of hope and beauty now and into the future. I believe we need to see art that is interesting, beautiful and thoughtful, to ease our souls in turbulent times. It is a blessing that bathes the soul in serenity for a brief interlude, a quiet moment of freedom to let our mind bask in memory of an image that gives us joy.
So while my art may not be the basis of a societal message of change or to point out the wrongs of mankind, what I hope it does is help the brain to know that there is still joy and light in the midst of the dark forces that seem to surround us, and that indeed that experience is worth it to enjoy, for our own mental and physical health, and that of the world at large too. The soul needs a balm, just as a wound needs a bandage, and art can be that balm when needed.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Painting on Fabric
I have been extolling the virtues of painting on fabric for a while, and will be getting a video out about it soon. My samples are all just about ready and I have been having a blast doing this! First and foremost it is FUN! Second, it is a great way to customize fabric and therefore projects. Lastly, but certainly not least, it spurs the creative juices on and leads to planned and serendipitous inspiration. How can you NOT want to play with this technique? LOL!
First of all I will let you know the media I used. I have talked about the Shiva Paintsticks, Jacquard Fabric Paints and Martha Stewart Multipurpose Paints, which are my first loves and staples with fabric painting. Next of course are my Faber Castell Gelatos, which I have now learned I can't live without. I also have some spray on fabric paints which includes, Mr. Huey's, Tattered Angels, DecoFabric Glitter Spray and DecoFabric Spray. I also have experimented with Twinkling H20's (which sometimes I mistakenly call Sparkling H20's-I guess because they sparkle to me more than twinkle), but they are in little bitty pots and not spray bottles. Now, here's the thing, I have had most of my paints for years now, and so I'm not sure if some of them (besides the top 4 on the list) are still made, and/or available. I have seen that Twinkling H20's are no longer made, however, I cannot verify that for sure, it was just something I read on someone's blog, so you may have to do your own investigative work if you are interested in trying them.
I did order and receive the new Gelatos and added them to my palette sampler, as well as used one of the iridescent colors in my mist sprayer. These new colors are just gorgeous and what a surprise how it turned out!
Now here is a site that has something quite different to use for coloring fabric. Colored pencils! Which just goes to show that you can never stop experimenting with new media to see what will work for what you need. Check it our here:
I again have out of town family visiting for several days so will not be posting until next week. I do hope to have my next video posted tomorrow, but those take a bit of time so who knows for sure, but that is the plan at least! LOL!
Another thought nugget:
The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work.
~Emile Zola
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Big Announcement of the Fiber Kind!
I am very excited about the DMC release of these new colors, and so grateful they are not making us buy the whole batch at once to get them, and then having to reorder the whole batch if you just need one skein of a certain color. Super bad marketing ploy in my humble opinion of the way they made their last release available. Once released we will be able to purchase them individually. Can you imagine having to buy all 35 colors for just one skein of them? UGH!
Surprisingly, when I looked at my next project, Eastern Expressions, and the colors of DMC cotton floss to match the glass beads I intend to affix with it, I was pretty disappointed by the scant selection of greys they offered (deja vu with my silks for this project). I finally found one, but it was from my preciously rare and nonrenewable DMC Flower Thread collection. When I looked at the upcoming new collection of DMC floss colors (as you can see above), I saw several greys in the mix and was overjoyed. To say that I'm anxious to add all of these to my collection is a gross understatement! Thank you DMC for expanding your already fantastic line of existing colors. As a needlework artist I can never have enough colors from which to select for my projects, it certainly makes it more fun and adventurous with a larger color palette!
So for all the fiber artists out there, or for those just curious about the process, I hope this information provided some fun and interesting information.
Thanks so much for reading and there will be more good stuff to follow soon!
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