Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Breaking News!


Hello, Hello everyone out there in creativity land! I just want to let you know that I have some super exciting news from DMC. Yes, they have a new line coming out! It is Mouline Special Etoile, a beautiful new sparkly thread! It is a 6-strand divisible thread that will come in 35 scrumptious colors. It is 73% Cotton and 27% Lurex. It comes in 8m/8yd skeins. They will be releasing it to retailers in the next few weeks and it will be available on their website in October.

More fun fibers for all of us fun fiber artists! Thank you DMC, can't wait to get my hands on them!

More to follow soon. Keep Creating!

Monday, September 17, 2018

The Big Reveal!

Hello, Hello all my wonderful amazing creatives out there! So I have been talking about a secret project and I am now able to reveal it to you. I have been given the opportunity to do a monthly column for the Mr. X-Stitch website! YEAH!!! I am more than stoked about doing this and my first article has been published on it under the title "Confessions of a Cross Stitcher". The subtitle is "The Cross Stitch Bug". I hope you all will stop by the link below and take a look and follow me monthly!

I am thrilled to be able to let more people know about the multitude of possibilities there are with this awesome needle art! And yes, promoting it as an art too! So what does that mean for the blog? Nothing is going to change here. I am still working and playing with various elements of creativity to share here so that information will remain forthcoming to you, all my fabulous creatives.

I was also able to finally get a better camera, so hopefully the quality of my photos will be better from now on. The catch is that it is a lot more complicated and so I am going to have to go through the manual to make sure I am using it optimally and carefully since I don't plan on revisiting a purchase like this again and have to relearn an entirely new system. Why does better seem to always mean "more complicated" these days? Ugh.

So that is what is going on now. I have had to temporarily suspend stitching activities because my studio is now considered a disaster area after I pulled out a bunch of stuff and didn't put it back. Who wants to do that when you are in the middle of a treasure hunt?! I also can no longer ignore the rest of the house that I've neglected either and that means the rest of the week is scheduled to take care of it.

So I will be back on Friday for a progress update and hopefully some wonderful new pictures to share with you. So please take a look at my column on Mr. X Stitch and as always, Keep Creating!

Friday, September 7, 2018

This Post is for YOU!

Hello all my wonderful creatives out there! I hope you have all been busy creating on something! I am hoping to reveal my secret project soon, so that is still in the pipeline. I am also working on the stitch sampler and Ladybug Lake and hope to have an update for you on Monday.

What I really want to discuss today is YOU! Yes, you, all my amazing creatives out there whether you are young or old, male or female, this post is dedicated to you and here is why. I often think about people and the creative process, how they fit together and how they started in the first place. Whenever I see someone create, no matter the medium, training or experience, I just want to jump up and down for joy. You know why? Because it is hard to be creative, especially in this day and age.

Here in the U.S., art is not looked upon as work, it is pretty much relegated to a hobby or some other frivolous activity by most of the population. I still feel guilty when I work on my art despite a lifetime of working outside the home and now being retired. If you ask any artist that has worked laboriously on getting just the right photo or getting the same image on canvas as the one in their head if what they do is work, there would be a resounding, "You can bet your life it is!". Just because you love it doesn't mean it isn't work, you are simply putting your passion to work. As a matter of fact, there is usually a physicality with art. Look at the physical effort that goes into a sculpture, a woven tapestry or mixed media collage. I can't tell you the number of times my fingers have gone numb from them holding onto a little needle for extended hours. I can also attest to how bleary eyed you can get from redoing a pattern for the fifth time!

Science has pretty much thrown the arts under the bus. You are made to feel that if you are not a rootin-tootin computer whiz or have a PhD in a biomedical field, you pretty much are relegated to the jobs of fast food employee or grocery sacker. Okay, so I exaggerated a little bit. It doesn't matter if you hate math or you get nauseous just thinking about science and the Periodic Table, you better learn to love them or risk living out your days in an empty refrigerator box (okay another exaggeration, sorry, but you get the idea). As a country, we should be ashamed by the lack of coursework available in the arts and the lack of diversity in those it does offer. There are more pizza places in a five mile radius of my home than there are art supply stores in the whole of Oklahoma! No wonder we are becoming a nation of fat couch potatoes. Enough said.

So what does this mean for you my awesome creatives? It means pursue your passion of art and be proud about it. If you are a receptionist by day but passionate paper cutting artist the rest of the time, let people know that when they ask about what you do. Tell them, "I am a paper cutting artist when not at my day job as a receptionist." That gives your passion the priority by being mentioned first and let's people know that importance in doing so. Practice in front of a mirror if you want to feel more comfortable about it, because let's face it, we are taught that humility is good, bragging is bad. But all you are doing is letting people know about your art, which isn't bragging. If they ask about it, have a succinct description ready. "I make contemporary/traditional cut paper art for sale on Etsy, at Gallery So-and-So, Such-and-Such Boutique, my website, etc., etc., etc.. You fill in the blank. Be proud of what you do and don't hesitate to let others know. Open the door and if others are interested they will follow up with questions about price, how long you have been doing it, and many others.

The message here is to be proud of what your passion is and don't hide your light under a basket. What you do is real WORK! Own what you do and you will discover others will enjoy owning your work.

Keep Creating!