Saturday, May 19, 2018

More Stencil Info

So I played with the stencils and masks that I made and the results were interesting if not exactly what I was looking for. I tried watercolors and a foam pouncer on paper first. The results were a light coloring but it was difficult to achieve because the glue was thick and I had to pounce a lot to get it done. I then tried Jacquard Lumiere diluted with water and then straight from the jar. The thicker paint when diluted was too runny and ran the design together, when used straight from the jar, the pouncer wasn't effective so I tried a brush, and that wasn't working very well either. I have a feeling that my glue gun is too big for the detail work I need, especially since the results were not very good on the wooden blocks for stamping either. So I am tabling this method of stencil/stamp making for now.

Another option for the stencil making is a heat tool I have had tucked away somewhere in my cabinets. I think stencil making was the reason I bought it in the first place, and I'll pull that out sometime in the future when I get caught up.

I have been playing with some additional Inktense pencils I got for Mother's Day and I came up with another sample for a project. Here is a picture of it along with one of the beads I plan on incorporating into the design. I love the final version and it was so much fun working with the pencils.

I have been working on a design for this and similar beads for a while now and having the right media for a background is a huge step forward to get it done. Yeah!

So let's talk fibers! Let's talk silk fibers! Anytime is a great time to use silk. If you got 'em, use 'em. One of them I have used is Kreinik Silk Mori Milk Paint. These are amazing colors that are hard to describe. I would liken them to vivid pastels, soft and pretty. A different color scheme in beautiful silk. They lay down like butter, soft and smooth, a joy to stitch.

There is one thing to be aware of, these fibers have to be dry cleaned and not washed, even by hand. I believe they come in 72 colors, so a very nice array to choose from. They can be found at many online needlework shops.

So that's it for this week. I leave you with yet another thought nugget:

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”
~Martha Graham 

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