The blending filament work on the left side of the design is going quickly and I am almost done on that side. However, with getting more done, I am more anxious to get the beads on it and how the finished product will look. So I did a preview of it by laying it flat and playing with the beads on it. I am even more excited now looking at it with the beads laying on top of it with the stitching progressing so far than I was at the beginning and originally laid it all out on the pattern. I want to share the look. Please know that again I am not able to get the color of the water true to what it really is, it is such a beautiful turquoise and not the darker blue color that keeps showing up in the pictures, hopefully I can get that problem solved soon. Here is a photo:
This really makes it come alive for me and gets the excitement factor going again. So Fun! Hope you enjoyed this sneak peek. More posts coming soon!
Thought Nugget:
"The job of an artist is to offer a sanctuary of beauty to an ugly world."
~Jeff Goins
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