Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Wow What a Difference!

So the eye surgery is over and by all accounts it was a success. They took care of the right eye this time and in two weeks will get the left one done if all goes according to plan. I have to say when I look out my right eye now it is amazing the difference I can tell! The whites actually look white and light is very much brighter. When I look out my left eye, everything is an ecru color. I had no idea the world had become so dull color wise until now. I am very excited about how this is going to affect my work since I now have a better handle on the way things really look. The aftercare requires 2 different drops 4 times a day and one other just once a day and I have to wear these particular sunglasses they gave me when I go out. The sunglasses are handy since the sun hasn't looked this bright to me for quite some time.

In the meantime, I misplaced my stitch sample and checked the house at least three times in search of it. I was going to get a new piece of fabric and start over when I accidentally ran across it last night in a small pile of mail I was going through. So now I am going to try to work on it and get you an updated photo before the week is out. I have to say it is very odd to be able to see out one eye without glasses and the other having to have glasses. Should be interesting! LOL!

At that time we will also discuss the next wonderful wool fiber as well as another stitching book. I will also have an artist spotlight too! Today we celebrate America's birthday and my hubby and I will be celebrating by grilling a couple of steaks and maybe watching the fireworks later. I hope everyone else that is celebrating has a safe and pleasant holiday, and to everyone else that is not, I hope you have the same kind of day.

All the best to all my wonderful creatives!

Keep Creating!

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