Thursday, June 22, 2017

Back In Business!

So very grateful and happy to report that I now have a new computer and I'm loving it! I didn't realize how antiquated my beloved old laptop was until it finally gave up the ghost and I got this new one. I am very excited about what possibilities this will allow me for using today's technology to enhance my blog visitors experience here. Videos, podcasts, better graphics, and those are just the tip of the blogging iceberg!

I'm hoping our computer guru will be able to pull all of my information from my computer, but I'm not entirely optimistic about it. I have programs that I purchased and downloaded from the internet that I may have to work to get back from their sources if Joe (aka known as the computer guru) cannot rescue them for me. Trouble is, I had them for so long and never backed them up (I am beating myself up for that greatly believe me!) and I can't remember the names of them after all this time. So I'll have to search the web for those which will be a lot of time consuming work. UGH! I plan on investing in a back-up hard drive as soon as I can. That is a priority before I put a lot on this new one.  I understand they are pretty cheap these days since we now have the cloud where a lot of people are storing their files. I also am running the risk of losing a lot of my designs which makes me frustrated and sad, but it's my fault and I own that major mistake. Learning a lot these days about lots, even at my age! LOL!

So in the very near future Joe will be receiving my new awesome computer to hopefully install my old stuff on so it may be a week before I am back here again with more news. In the meantime, I have progressed a lot on Ladybug Lake and I will be making announcements soon about what else is cooking at PBD (Pear Blossom Designs). Very excited about some new things I am trying and new design ideas that includes wonderful mixed media items! I have some book recommendations too that I will be sharing in the coming blogs. So lots and lots to look forward too that I hope all of you wonderful visitors will enjoy.

In the meantime I leave you with this quote:

"Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What's important is the action. You don't have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow."
--Carrie Fisher, "Wishful Drinking"

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